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116 Members Online

JoMalfoy96's Trophy Case

JoMalfoy96 owns all of these items.

Please do not contact this user about purchasing items in this trophy case.

From this day forth, you put your faith... in me

Draco's Student ID
Draco's Student ID
Draco's Teddy Bear
Draco's Teddy Bear
Voldemort's Shield
Voldemort's Shield
Death Eater Robes
Death Eater Robes
Death Eater Badger
Death Eater Badger
Dark Mark Poker Chip
Dark Mark Poker Chip
Dark Mark Cookie
Dark Mark Cookie
Dark Mark Clacker
Dark Mark Clacker
Dark Mark Egg
Dark Mark Egg
Tree of Treachery
Tree of Treachery
Evil Pensieve
Evil Pensieve
Borgin and Burkes Sign
Borgin and Burkes Sign
Knockturn Alley Sign
Knockturn Alley Sign
Lucius' Azkaban Plate
Lucius' Azkaban Plate
Serpent-Shaped Candlestick
Serpent-Shaped Candlestick
A Black Heart
A Black Heart
Nearly Headless Nick's Rapier
Nearly Headless Nick's Rapier
Mundungus' Pocketwatch
Mundungus' Pocketwatch
Narcissa's Wedding Ring
Narcissa's Wedding Ring
Narcissa's Skull Ring
Narcissa's Skull Ring
Narcissa Malfoy Portrait
Narcissa Malfoy Portrait
Scabior's Ring
Scabior's Ring
Black Family Locket
Black Family Locket
Foe Glass
Foe Glass
Hurt Winged Key
Hurt Winged Key
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Crest Pin
Slytherin Crest Pin
Slytherin House Egg
Slytherin House Egg
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
Jar of Vampire Fangs
Jar of Vampire Fangs
Snape's Pickled Jars
Snape's Pickled Jars
Preserved Brain
Preserved Brain
Invigoration Draught
Invigoration Draught
Angel's Trumpet Draught
Angel's Trumpet Draught
Confusing Concoction
Confusing Concoction
Pinnock's Gigglewater
Pinnock's Gigglewater
Syrup of Arnica
Syrup of Arnica
Unicorn's Blood
Unicorn's Blood
Expired Love Potion
Expired Love Potion
Garden Gnome Saliva
Garden Gnome Saliva
Twilight Moonbeams
Twilight Moonbeams
Wit-Sharpening Potion
Wit-Sharpening Potion
Seven Potters' Polyjuice
Seven Potters' Polyjuice
Alihotsy Draught
Alihotsy Draught
Shredded Skin of Boomslang
Shredded Skin of Boomslang
Euphoria Elixir
Euphoria Elixir
Slughorn's Memory
Slughorn's Memory
Maxime's Perfume
Maxime's Perfume
Unlabelled Poison
Unlabelled Poison
Alihotsy Draught
Alihotsy Draught
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
Wilted Rose
Wilted Rose
Purple Rose
Purple Rose
Green Rose
Green Rose
Frank Bryce's Lily
Frank Bryce's Lily
Mandrake Leaves
Mandrake Leaves
U-No-Poo Poster
U-No-Poo Poster
Dumbledore's Article on Metamorphmagi
Dumbledore's Article on Metamorphmagi
CoS Poster
CoS Poster
OotP Poster
OotP Poster
HBP Poster
HBP Poster
Rare HBP Poster
Rare HBP Poster
Deathly Hallows Poster
Deathly Hallows Poster
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix UK
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix UK
Ink Well - Squid
Ink Well - Squid
Bird of Paradise
Bird of Paradise
Ginny's Wedding Hairclip
Ginny's Wedding Hairclip
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Voldemort's Wand
Voldemort's Wand

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22 Years of Magic
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