49 Members Online

Rules, Terms, and Conditions


HEX Logo Please read this document carefully before accessing or using Hexrpg.com. By accessing or using this site, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions described below. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, then you must cease to use or enter this site. HEXRPG, LLC ("HEX") reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time, and any modification will become effective immediately upon being posted. By entering the site, you agree to periodically review the terms and conditions below to ensure you are aware of any future modifications. The terms and conditions are subject to change without notice and will apply to all users, both new and old alike.


Harry Potter, Hogwarts, and all distinctive likenesses thereof are either copyright or registered trademarks of Warner Bros., J.K. Rowling, and/or their respective owners. This is strictly a fan created website, which is meant for the entertainment of Harry Potter fans. No copyright infringement is intended.

Important Note: The terms were last updated on January 31, 2025.


HEX was created in 2001 by Harry Potter fans as an outlet for fans to discuss/roleplay in a civil manner. Our staff spends much of their time maintaining the site and these efforts should be respected. HEX cannot be held responsible for the conduct of any of its users. We encourage a relaxed atmosphere to discuss, roleplay, and/or perform any other activities that concern this site. This is a site for Harry Potter fans who are (generally) ages thirteen and up.

1. Each user is only allowed to have one (1) account on HEX. Creating multiple accounts and/or deleting one account to create another is not allowed. Multiple accounts are a form of cheating, and users who create more than one account are subject to having all of their accounts sent to Azkaban, expelled, and, if necessary, their entire inventory and Galleon accruals reset.

2. Parents are responsible for making sure their child's age and information are correct so that they have access to age-appropriate areas of HEX.

3. You must provide a valid e-mail address during enrollment. We strongly suggest using an e-mail address to which you have permanent access since this e-mail address will be used for important communications, such as receiving your activation link and retrieving a lost/forgotten username or password.

4. You are the only person allowed on your account. Any form of account sharing (e.g., accessing someone else's account, letting someone else access your account, creating an additional account for someone else, etc.) is prohibited and can result in time in Azkaban or expulsion. Additionally, you will be held accountable for anything done on your account, including actions taken by someone else who has gained access to it. To ensure that this doesn't happen and to keep your account secure, you should never give your password to anyone else for any reason. If you feel your account has been compromised, please contact someone from Site Staff on the About Us page.

5. Any discussion of why another user was disabled, warned, or punished is not allowed anywhere on HEX, including public forums, private forums, shareposts, or owls. If you feel that your account has been disabled in error, then you may contact Site Staff using the Contact Form. If you have a friend who feels their account has been disabled in error, they must contact Site Staff using the Contact Form. Users may not petition for another user's account to be re-instated.

6. Users are allowed to state that they are leaving HEX and are more than welcome to return at a later date. However, since HEX's Zero Tolerance policy regarding bullying applies both to users and the site itself, if any user creates a hostile post, random burst, or other correspondence that attacks HEX or other users while also stating that they are leaving the site, then that user will be subject to having their account disabled. If your account is disabled for a hostile leaving post, random burst, etc., then you will not be permitted to make another account in the future. If your account is disabled due to a hostile leaving and you later decide that you wish to return to HEX, then you must use the Contact Form to request that Site Staff re-instate your original account.

7. HEX is meant to be a safe, welcoming community for all of its users; as such, bullying, personal attacks, public shaming, harassment, and/or discrimination against any group(s) or individual(s) are never permitted and will be dealt with both swiftly and severely. Please see the Bullying Information page for more detailed information regarding HEX's stance on the above.

8. HEX strives to uphold a PG-13 content rating. We recognize that what constitutes PG-13 content can greatly vary; as such, please review some basic guidelines to help you as you navigate PG-13 content on HEX.

9. Accounts with usernames that are inappropriate or designed specifically to attract negative attention will be expelled upon creation. Inappropriate usernames include, but are not limited to, ones that are blatantly offensive, contain curse words, include rude symbols, make explicit drug references, etc.

10. In the spirit of diversity and inclusion on HEX, there is an option to display current pronouns, located under Settings for your profile. This field remains open text as many users have multiple pronouns, custom pronouns, or change pronouns frequently. This option is for your pronouns only, and is subject to moderation by Site Staff like the rest of your profile information. HEX is a safe place for all, so we reserve the right to edit out any content that does not comply with these terms.

11. We strongly urge users not to give out personal information (e.g., identifying information such as phone numbers, physical addresses, email addresses, etc.) anywhere on the site, including putting personal information in posts, user profiles, shareposts, and owl correspondence with other users. HEX takes the privacy and safety of all users extremely seriously and we reserve the right to remove any personal information in that interest.

12. HEX is a multilingual website that supports its users conversing in languages other than English. However, all HEX terms regarding what material may or may not be posted (e.g., swearing, PG-13 violations, illegal content, bullying, etc.) still apply. All content posted in other languages must still abide by HEX terms, including the Disallowed Words list.

13. HEX is not a dating site. Any threads that are posted for the sole purpose of searching for a romantic/sexual partner will be locked and additional steps will be taken if necessary. Similarly, posting in existing threads or sending owls to other users in an attempt to acquire romantic/sexual partners is not permitted and will be dealt with accordingly.

14. Swearing is generally permitted unless the word in question appears on HEX's Disallowed Words list. Internet abbreviations (e.g., WTF, LMAO, LMFAO, WTH, effing, what the f, etc.) are allowed, but replacing individual letters in specific disallowed words with symbols or spaces is not.

15. You agree not to steal/borrow any content (e.g. pictures, text, code, etc.) on HEX without written consent from the site's staff or the content's creator, as appropriate. If you wish to use another user's work, you must first obtain permission from that user; if you want to use any material created for official use on HEX, you must first obtain permission from a site administrator. HEX is automatically granted ownership of any materials submitted to the site for official use (e.g. item images, site graphics, etc.) and retains this ownership indefinitely. HEX credits all other user-posted content to the content's individual creator(s), not the website, and acknowledges that said content belongs to the user(s) who created it.
*Anything not submitted for official use (such as user-created characters, role plays, etc.) are not considered the property of HEX. Work submitted for official HEX use (such as item images, site graphics or anything submitted for official use on the site) do fall under this category. HEX does not own materials unless they were submitted for official use. HEX credits ALL user-posted content to its individuals NOT the website itself.

16. Illegal content and negative symbols of any kind are not allowed on HEX.
Illegal content/negative symbols include, but are not limited to:
a) Links to illegal download sites (e.g., torrents, sites that provide unsanctioned copies of published books or programs, etc.)
b) Discussion or glorification of the use and/or procurement of illegal drugs/substances, as defined by Texas state and U.S. Federal laws; as it is currently illegal in Texas, this includes the use, procurement, and/or glorification of recreational marijuana. This also applies to any links, images, or avatars that you post on HEX
c) Nazi/racist/prejudiced content, images, or paraphernalia
d) Posts/owls/shares that promote anything that is clearly against the law

Please note that HEX is based in the U.S. state of Texas. Therefore, all U.S. Federal laws and Texas state laws apply.

17. Cheating in any form is prohibited. If you are found to be cheating, then consequences may include official site warnings or time in Azkaban, depending on the severity of the offense. A detailed list of what constitutes cheating on HEX can be found here. Note: This list is not exhaustive, and you are subject to similar consequences if you are found cheating in ways not described on it.

18. Spamming is not allowed. Detailed examples of what constitutes spamming on HEX can be found here. Note: This list is not exhaustive, and you are subject to similar consequences if you are found spamming in ways not described on it.

19. Advertising other websites:
a) Discussing and linking official Harry Potter websites as well as affiliated sites is allowed.

b) Mentioning non-affiliated Harry Potter websites and roleplaying websites is allowed in passing. More in-depth discussions and/or advertising of these websites is not allowed. Advertising includes, but is not limited to:
- Posting links to websites irrespective of the discussion at hand, whether they're relevant or not.
- Making a thread specifically to promote other websites.
- Contacting users via owl, shareposts, items, etc., and asking them to visit/ join other websites.

c) Discussing and/or linking to personal websites or social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bluesky, etc.) is allowed, with certain exceptions listed under 19d. Any content that you link directly should remain PG-13 and follow the COPPA policy. We are not responsible for any content that you see after following a link off of HEX. Site Staff reserves the right to remove any content that breaks HEX terms without notice.

d) Linking to X/Twitter is not allowed. Screenshots are allowed, provided the link used to post the screenshot does not originate from X/Twitter servers. Screenshots must follow all other listed terms.

20. Neither user-created chatroom boxes nor embedding chat/audio programs (e.g., Discord, etc.) into a thread are allowed on HEX. While we understand the usefulness of such programs, it is impossible for Site Staff to moderate content posted in them and ensure that all content housed on HEX abides by the site terms.

21. Each forum, including House-run forums, may have a set of forum-specific rules in addition to the terms listed on this page. Please read a forum's specific rules prior to posting in it, as these rules are equally valid and violation of them could result in disciplinary action.

22. Members of all levels of Site Staff are trusted to fairly enforce site terms across HEX. Upon receiving disciplinary action, you are welcome to respectfully express disagreement, seek clarification, and/or provide relevant explanations for your breach of terms. However, you may not behave in a threatening or abusive manner towards members of Site Staff for performing their duty and upholding site terms. Also, you may not edit over an edit made by a member of Site Staff in an effort to uphold site terms. If you feel you were treated unfairly or that an action performed by a member of Site Staff was unfair, then you may owl them to respectfully discuss the matter. If you are unsatisfied with the response that you receive, then please owl an Administrator directly. Administrators are listed on the About Us page.

23. Impersonating a member of Site Staff (i.e., telling people that you are a member of Site Staff when you are not and/or implying that you have authority to act on behalf of Site Staff when you do not) is a very serious offense and will merit serious consequences, such as time in Azkaban. In the spirit of good fun, users can use Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be a member of Site Staff provided that they do not attempt to moderate the site or exercise authority over other users.

Additional site terms may be found in the Knowledge Base.

If you violate any of the above terms, then your posts, owls, etc. may be deleted, and you may be subjected to additional disciplinary action. We reserve the right to enact any of the disciplinary actions listed above without notice and to terminate any rule-breaking account at any time.


These terms are subject to change without notice. Site Staff reserves the right to act and enforce these rules without first consulting the affected users. By joining and being active on HEX, you are hereby required to abide by the above terms at all times. Let it be known that all users must follow these terms. If you have any further questions concerning the above terms and conditions, then please contact a site administrator.

23 Years of Magic
Copyright ©2001-2025 HEXRPG, LLC. All rights reserved.
HEX is an independent Harry Potter fan site. Images, content, Harry Potter © Warner Brothers, J.K. Rowling, and/or their respective owners. User content on this website is credited to the individuals.