120 Members Online
120 Members Online

Alaric Nightsong's Trophy Case

Alaric Nightsong owns all of these items.

Please do not contact this user about purchasing items in this trophy case.

Merlin's Spellbook
Merlin's Spellbook
Raven Plushie
Raven Plushie
Tonks' Patronus
Tonks' Patronus
Seamus' Patronus
Seamus' Patronus
Fairy In a Jar
Fairy In a Jar
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Moony Plushie
Moony Plushie
Werewolf Cookies
Werewolf Cookies
Werewolf Saliva
Werewolf Saliva
Wolfsbane Potion
Wolfsbane Potion
Werewolf Cookies
Werewolf Cookies
Moony Plushie
Moony Plushie
Page 394
Page 394
Werewolf Essay
Werewolf Essay
Dumbledore's Article on Metamorphmagi
Dumbledore's Article on Metamorphmagi
McGonagall's Animagus Books
McGonagall's Animagus Books
Consulted Library Books
Consulted Library Books
Werewolf Code of Conduct
Werewolf Code of Conduct
Globe of the Moon
Globe of the Moon
Dog Bone
Dog Bone
Werewolf Cookies
Werewolf Cookies
Padfoot Plushie
Padfoot Plushie
Prongs Plushie
Prongs Plushie
Wormtail Plushie
Wormtail Plushie
Lupin's Chipped Mug
Lupin's Chipped Mug
Lupin's Chocolate Stash
Lupin's Chocolate Stash
Wolfsbane Potion Goblet
Wolfsbane Potion Goblet
Wolfsbane Potion Goblet
Wolfsbane Potion Goblet
St Mungo's Clipboard
St Mungo's Clipboard
St Mungo's Crystal Orbs
St Mungo's Crystal Orbs
Umbridge's Anti-Werewolf Legislation
Umbridge's Anti-Werewolf Legislation
Fenrir Greyback's Wanted Poster
Fenrir Greyback's Wanted Poster
Remus Lupin's Boggart - Full Moon
Remus Lupin's Boggart - Full Moon
Wormtail's Silver Dagger
Wormtail's Silver Dagger
Dumbledore's Silver Goblet
Dumbledore's Silver Goblet
Pettigrew's Memories
Pettigrew's Memories
Shrieking Shack Playset
Shrieking Shack Playset
Madam Pomfrey's Healer's Bag
Madam Pomfrey's Healer's Bag
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Healer's Badge
Healer's Badge
Madam Pomfrey's Wand
Madam Pomfrey's Wand
Madam Pomfrey's Brooch
Madam Pomfrey's Brooch
Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction
Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction
Healer Rackharrow's Notes
Healer Rackharrow's Notes
Healer's Wand
Healer's Wand
Wine Goblet from Shell Cottage
Wine Goblet from Shell Cottage
Remus Lupin Plushie
Remus Lupin Plushie
Lupin Family Photo
Lupin Family Photo
Remus Lupin Portrait
Remus Lupin Portrait
Remus Lupin's Wand
Remus Lupin's Wand
Lupin's Wedding Ring
Lupin's Wedding Ring
Picture of the Marauders
Picture of the Marauders
Remus Lupin's Acceptance Letter
Remus Lupin's Acceptance Letter
Lupin's Suitcase
Lupin's Suitcase
Remus' Prefect Badge
Remus' Prefect Badge
Lupin's Wallet
Lupin's Wallet
Lupin's Gramophone
Lupin's Gramophone
Tonks Plushie
Tonks Plushie
Tonks' Wedding Ring
Tonks' Wedding Ring
Tonks' Auror Badge
Tonks' Auror Badge
Tonks' Wand
Tonks' Wand
Tonks' Necklace
Tonks' Necklace
Teddy's Prefect Badge
Teddy's Prefect Badge
Teddy's School Trunk
Teddy's School Trunk
Flamel's Alchemy Set
Flamel's Alchemy Set
Snape's Blackboard
Snape's Blackboard
Self-Measuring Scales
Self-Measuring Scales
Silver Cauldron
Silver Cauldron
Cauldron of Polyjuice Potion
Cauldron of Polyjuice Potion
Mortar and Pestle
Mortar and Pestle
Snape's Potion Dagger
Snape's Potion Dagger
Cup of Tea
Cup of Tea
Green Tea
Green Tea
Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate
Alihotsy Draught
Alihotsy Draught
Animagus Potion
Animagus Potion
Blue Healing Potion
Blue Healing Potion
Bottle of Felix Felicis
Bottle of Felix Felicis
Bottle of Gin
Bottle of Gin
Cure for Ague
Cure for Ague
Essence Of Dittany
Essence Of Dittany
Mopsus Potion
Mopsus Potion
Nagini's Venom
Nagini's Venom
Paulopabita's Fishy Green Ale
Paulopabita's Fishy Green Ale
Wideye Potion
Wideye Potion
Bubotuber Plant
Bubotuber Plant
Essence of Murtlap
Essence of Murtlap
Harry's Felix Felicis
Harry's Felix Felicis
Invisible Potion
Invisible Potion
Jar of Blowflies
Jar of Blowflies
Knotgrass Mead
Knotgrass Mead
McSpratt's Spell Water
McSpratt's Spell Water
Nettle Wine
Nettle Wine
Peruvian Vipertooth Poison
Peruvian Vipertooth Poison
Phoenix Tears
Phoenix Tears
Polyjuice Potion
Polyjuice Potion
Purple Healing Potion
Purple Healing Potion
Purple Potion
Purple Potion
Potion of All Potential
Potion of All Potential
Potion No. 86
Potion No. 86
Regeneration Potion
Regeneration Potion
Scabbers' Rat Tonic
Scabbers' Rat Tonic
Scintillation Solution
Scintillation Solution
Skele Gro
Skele Gro
Syrup of Arnica
Syrup of Arnica
Syrup of Hellebore
Syrup of Hellebore
Swooping Evil Venom
Swooping Evil Venom
Twilight Moonbeams
Twilight Moonbeams
Wiggenweld Potion
Wiggenweld Potion
Greenhouse Playset
Greenhouse Playset
Scottish Bluebells
Scottish Bluebells
Billywig Stings
Billywig Stings
Jar of Vampire Fangs
Jar of Vampire Fangs
Venomous Tentacula Seeds
Venomous Tentacula Seeds
Unicorn Horn
Unicorn Horn
A Bottle of Dragon's Blood
A Bottle of Dragon's Blood
Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood
Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood
Dragon In a Cage
Dragon In a Cage
Dragon Egg
Dragon Egg
Deathly Hallows Token
Deathly Hallows Token
Homework Planner
Homework Planner
Enchanted Timeline
Enchanted Timeline
Aurors' Map
Aurors' Map
Spell Book
Spell Book
Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean
Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean
Waterlogged Library Book
Waterlogged Library Book
O.W.L. Results
O.W.L. Results
N.E.W.T. Results
N.E.W.T. Results
A Guide to the Irish Fairy Folk and Leprechauns for Muggleborns
A Guide to the Irish Fairy Folk and Leprechauns for Muggleborns
Celtic Tree Calendar
Celtic Tree Calendar
Professor McGonagall's Lesson Plans
Professor McGonagall's Lesson Plans
House-Elf Recipe Books
House-Elf Recipe Books
Animal Ghosts of Britain
Animal Ghosts of Britain
Interdepartmental Memos
Interdepartmental Memos
Ravenclaw House Cup Badge
Ravenclaw House Cup Badge
Ravenclaw House Cup Ring
Ravenclaw House Cup Ring
Ravenclaw Men's Masque
Ravenclaw Men's Masque
Ravenclaw Writing Set
Ravenclaw Writing Set
Ravenclaw House Cup Day Planner
Ravenclaw House Cup Day Planner
Ravenclaw Plushie Egg
Ravenclaw Plushie Egg
Ravenclaw House Egg
Ravenclaw House Egg
Ravenclaw House Cup Chess Set
Ravenclaw House Cup Chess Set
Laurel Leaf Necklace
Laurel Leaf Necklace
Silver Claddagh Ring
Silver Claddagh Ring
Sir Cadogan's Sword
Sir Cadogan's Sword
Nearly Headless Nick's Rapier
Nearly Headless Nick's Rapier
St. Jerome's Stained Glass Window
St. Jerome's Stained Glass Window
Life-Sized Chess Piece
Life-Sized Chess Piece
Seamus' Chess Pieces
Seamus' Chess Pieces
Peter's Pocket Watch
Peter's Pocket Watch
Aberforth's Kilt Pin
Aberforth's Kilt Pin
Madam Pomfrey's Uniform
Madam Pomfrey's Uniform
Madam Pomfrey's Owl Pin
Madam Pomfrey's Owl Pin
Madam Pomfrey's Lantern
Madam Pomfrey's Lantern
McGonagall's Fan
McGonagall's Fan
McGonagall's Necklace
McGonagall's Necklace
McGonagall's Animagus
McGonagall's Animagus
Palace Tent
Palace Tent
Instant Darkness Powder
Instant Darkness Powder
Aberforth's Sgian-Dubh
Aberforth's Sgian-Dubh
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Christmas Teddy
Christmas Teddy
Ollivander's Store Sign
Ollivander's Store Sign
Mundungus' Pocketwatch
Mundungus' Pocketwatch
Model of the Solar System
Model of the Solar System
Model of Jupiter
Model of Jupiter
Star Chart
Star Chart
Trelawney's Orrery
Trelawney's Orrery
Azkaban Prison Playset
Azkaban Prison Playset
Dementor Action Figure
Dementor Action Figure
Lucius' Azkaban Plate
Lucius' Azkaban Plate
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Lucius' Death Eater Mask
Lucius' Death Eater Mask
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Harry's Triwizard Winnings
Harry's Triwizard Winnings
Hagrid's Guide to Speaking French
Hagrid's Guide to Speaking French
Enchanted Scoreboard
Enchanted Scoreboard
Quidditch Box
Quidditch Box
Skele Gro
Skele Gro
Beater's Bat
Beater's Bat
Chudley Cannons Hat
Chudley Cannons Hat
Chudley Cannons Poster
Chudley Cannons Poster
Harry's Quidditch Robe
Harry's Quidditch Robe
Quidditch Playset
Quidditch Playset
Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
Quidditch Through the Ages
Quidditch Through the Ages
World Cup Tickets
World Cup Tickets
Irish Rosette
Irish Rosette
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Quidditch Scrapbook
Quidditch Scrapbook
Bulgarian Rosette
Bulgarian Rosette
Gryffindor Quidditch Robe
Gryffindor Quidditch Robe
Hufflepuff Quidditch Robe
Hufflepuff Quidditch Robe
Ravenclaw Quidditch Robe
Ravenclaw Quidditch Robe
Slytherin Quidditch Robe
Slytherin Quidditch Robe
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Toy Rogue Bludger
Flying With The Cannons
Flying With The Cannons
Viktor Krum Action Figure
Viktor Krum Action Figure
Irish Hat
Irish Hat
Madam Hooch's Whistle
Madam Hooch's Whistle
Harry's First Snitch
Harry's First Snitch
Wood's Quidditch Chart
Wood's Quidditch Chart
Holyhead Harpies Tickets
Holyhead Harpies Tickets
Slytherin Quidditch Poster
Slytherin Quidditch Poster
Owl Broom Polish
Owl Broom Polish
Bulgarian Scarf
Bulgarian Scarf
World Cup Firework
World Cup Firework
World Cup Firework
World Cup Firework
Spell Book
Spell Book
Beater's Bat
Beater's Bat
Oliver Wood's Stopwatch
Oliver Wood's Stopwatch
Oliver Wood's Quidditch Captain Badge
Oliver Wood's Quidditch Captain Badge
Regulus' Quidditch Robe
Regulus' Quidditch Robe
Slughorn's Quidditch Tickets
Slughorn's Quidditch Tickets
Ravenclaw Pennant
Ravenclaw Pennant
Hufflepuff Pennant
Hufflepuff Pennant
Gryffindor Pennant
Gryffindor Pennant
Slytherin Pennant
Slytherin Pennant
Quidditch Arm Guard Set
Quidditch Arm Guard Set
Ludo's Wand
Ludo's Wand
Quidditch World Cup
Quidditch World Cup
Kenmare Kestrels Quidditch Robes
Kenmare Kestrels Quidditch Robes
Ballycastle Bats Quidditch Robes
Ballycastle Bats Quidditch Robes
Ireland National Team Scarf
Ireland National Team Scarf
Lee Jordan's Commentating Box
Lee Jordan's Commentating Box
Charlie's Quidditch Captain Badge
Charlie's Quidditch Captain Badge
Bulgarian Hat
Bulgarian Hat
Bulgarian Bowler Hat
Bulgarian Bowler Hat
Cedric's Quidditch Robes
Cedric's Quidditch Robes
Kenmare Kestrels Pennant
Kenmare Kestrels Pennant
Broomstick Servicing Kit
Broomstick Servicing Kit
Chudley Cannons Quidditch Robes
Chudley Cannons Quidditch Robes
Montrose Magpies Mascot Plushie
Montrose Magpies Mascot Plushie
Hassan Mostafa's Whistle
Hassan Mostafa's Whistle
Quidditch World Cup Program
Quidditch World Cup Program
Viktor Krum's Broom
Viktor Krum's Broom
Ludo's Quidditch Robes
Ludo's Quidditch Robes
Oliver Wood's Sweaty Socks
Oliver Wood's Sweaty Socks
Ginny's Irish Hat
Ginny's Irish Hat
Barny the Fruitbat Plushie
Barny the Fruitbat Plushie
Bulgaria's Second Place Trophy
Bulgaria's Second Place Trophy
Tail-Twig Clippers
Tail-Twig Clippers
Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch Robes
Wigtown Wanderers Quidditch Robes
Tutshill Tornados Badge
Tutshill Tornados Badge
A Handcrafted Ollivander's Wand
A Handcrafted Ollivander's Wand
Angelina Johnson's Quidditch Notes
Angelina Johnson's Quidditch Notes
Cedric's Knife
Cedric's Knife
Cedric's Quidditch Captain Badge
Cedric's Quidditch Captain Badge
Flamel's Fountain
Flamel's Fountain
Flitwick's Pile of Books
Flitwick's Pile of Books
Flitwick's Shelf of Dueling Trophies
Flitwick's Shelf of Dueling Trophies
Green Shamrock Balloon
Green Shamrock Balloon
Grey Lady's Book
Grey Lady's Book
Hagrid's Crossbow
Hagrid's Crossbow
Madam Pomfrey's Owl Pin
Madam Pomfrey's Owl Pin
Winky's Holiday Punch
Winky's Holiday Punch
Phoenix Charm
Phoenix Charm
Fox Plushie
Fox Plushie
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms
Durmstrang Ship's Anchor
Durmstrang Ship's Anchor
Durmstrang Ship's Wheel
Durmstrang Ship's Wheel
Durmstrang's Navigational Charts
Durmstrang's Navigational Charts
Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish
Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish
HEXiversary Badge - Twelve Years
HEXiversary Badge - Twelve Years
Professor McGonagall's Quill
Professor McGonagall's Quill
Sir Cadogan's Portrait
Sir Cadogan's Portrait
Autumn Quill
Autumn Quill
Cedric's Dragon Model
Cedric's Dragon Model
Crate of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans
Crate of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans
Crate of Candy Cane Grams
Crate of Candy Cane Grams
Crate of Gift Wrap Paper
Crate of Gift Wrap Paper
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Crate of Unopened Chocolate Frogs
Electric Quill
Electric Quill
Fire Quill
Fire Quill
Forest Quill
Forest Quill
Hurricane Quill
Hurricane Quill
Ink Well - Blackberry
Ink Well - Blackberry
Ink Well - Blue
Ink Well - Blue
Ink Well - Cyan
Ink Well - Cyan
Ink Well - Dung
Ink Well - Dung
Ink Well - Fairy Dust
Ink Well - Fairy Dust
Ink Well - Green
Ink Well - Green
Ink Well - Gryffindor
Ink Well - Gryffindor
Ink Well - Hufflepuff
Ink Well - Hufflepuff
Ink Well - Mauve
Ink Well - Mauve
Ink Well - Pastel Blue
Ink Well - Pastel Blue
Ink Well - Pastel Blue
Ink Well - Pastel Blue
Ink Well - Pastel Green
Ink Well - Pastel Green
Ink Well - Pastel Red
Ink Well - Pastel Red
Ink Well - Pastel Yellow
Ink Well - Pastel Yellow
Ink Well - Peach
Ink Well - Peach
Ink Well - Pink
Ink Well - Pink
Ink Well - Pumpkin
Ink Well - Pumpkin
Ink Well - Purple
Ink Well - Purple
Ink Well - Ravenclaw
Ink Well - Ravenclaw
Ink Well - Ravenclaw
Ink Well - Ravenclaw
Ink Well - Red
Ink Well - Red
Ink Well - Slytherin
Ink Well - Slytherin
Ink Well - Squid
Ink Well - Squid
Ink Well - Swamp
Ink Well - Swamp
Ink Well - White
Ink Well - White
Ink Well - Whomping Willow
Ink Well - Whomping Willow
Ink Well - White
Ink Well - White
Ink Well - Yellow
Ink Well - Yellow
Metallic Quill
Metallic Quill
Pretty'n'Pink Quill
Pretty'n'Pink Quill
Ravenclaw Dormitory Bed
Ravenclaw Dormitory Bed
Ravenclaw Snowman
Ravenclaw Snowman
Secrecy Sensor
Secrecy Sensor
Slughorn's Potion Kit
Slughorn's Potion Kit
Scroll (Blue)
Scroll (Blue)
Winter Mandrake - Teal
Winter Mandrake - Teal
Pointed Wizard's Hat - Green
Pointed Wizard's Hat - Green
Mortimer the Retired Ministry Owl
Mortimer the Retired Ministry Owl
Fred & George's Patronuses
Fred & George's Patronuses
Geometric Dragon Charm
Geometric Dragon Charm
Midnight Blue Hat For Molly
Midnight Blue Hat For Molly
Break with a Banshee
Break with a Banshee
Broom Ornament
Broom Ornament
Tonks' Leather Coat
Tonks' Leather Coat
Cedric's Dragon Model
Cedric's Dragon Model
Flying Santa Ornament
Flying Santa Ornament
Golden Newt
Golden Newt

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22 Years of Magic
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