Full Profile of Nelly
Real Name: NellyLocation: Washington State
Joined Staff: October 15, 2011
Responsibilities: Dumbledore's Office, Fan Fiction, Goblin City, HINT, Magical Games & Sports, Publications, Shopping Forums, Donations, Economy, Graphics Management, HR, Houses, Item Design, Item Management
How do you spend your time when not on HEX? Mostly work XD When I am neither HEXing or working I am probably hanging out with my husband. We love to play video games and watch movies. We also enjoy watching and going to the sports games :D.
How did you become interested in Harry Potter? I saw the first movie and fell in love. The next day I bought the 3 books that were out at the time. Then it was every midnight showing and book release from there.
Favorite movies: Way too many to choose from...
Favorite food: Yes...
Fun Fact: I have an irrational fear of racoons